The Papers of Isaac Newton

The Papers of Isaac Newton project is providing open access to interlinked, scholarly editions of all of Newton’s non-chemical manuscripts (for his chemical manuscripts see here). In addition, this project is interlinking Newton’s manuscripts with all of his published works.

The project is edited by Dr. Robert Iliffe and sponsored by Cambridge University, The Royal Society of London, Sussex University, and King’s College (Nova Scotia).


The OU History of Science Collections hold first editions of all of Newton’s works, including the Principia (1687), Opticks (1704), Fluxions (1740), Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms (1728), and the Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John (1733), as well as all of the early other editions of these works and over 150 later editions.

About ouhos

Kristina Southwell, Head of Operations; Kerry Magruder, Curator; and JoAnn Palmeri, Librarian
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