Celebrating Constitution Day at OU

by JoAnn Palmeri

IACH Constitution Day Lecture and Government Documents Open House, Wednesday, September 17

cosntCelebrate Constitution Day by attending the annual lecture sponsored by OU’s Institute for the American Constitutional Heritage (IACH). This year Professor Carl Richard of the University of Louisiana will speak on “The American Founders and Mixed Government Theory” at 4:30 in Meacham Auditorium, OMU. For more details see the IACH website.

You are also invited to celebrate the 121st anniversary of Government Documents at their Open House, 2pm-4pm, on the 4th floor of Bizzell Memorial Library. The first 100 attendees will receive complimentary mini-Constitutions. Punch and refreshments will be served.

Greeks, Romans, and American founders in OU’s Special Collections

Explore the connections between Ancient Greece and the American founders with rare books and materials held in the special collections on the 5th floor of Bizzell Memorial Library: Bass Business History Collection, Bizzell Bible Collection, History of Science Collections, and the John and Mary Nichols Collections. While tours and class visits are not possible as we undergo renovation in preparation for the Galileo’s World exhibit (scheduled for the 2015-16 academic year), researchers continue to have access to the books.

For a glimpse into our holdings in the areas of American culture and history, government, and the classical tradition, take a look at the following links to recent exhibits and online guides:



Using Special Collections Materials for Teaching and Research

In addition to rare books and primary source materials, the Collections have significant holdings in non-rare materials: modern scholarly works, critical editions and facsimiles, introductory texts, and reference books. For more info, browse Guide to Resources in History of Science, Technology and Medicine.

Both rare books and recent works held in the special collections are included in OU library’s online catalog.

Interested in using Collections materials for teaching or research? Need help identifying items to use for a class assignment, capstone project, thesis or dissertation topic? Please contact our staff for assistance (405) 325-2741.

See the Collections blog for more information on resources, activities, and events relating to OU’s 5th floor special collection libraries.

Beyond the Collections

Want to dig deeper into these topics? See the following online guides to resources beyond the 5th floor special collections:

Images from The Laws of the United States of America, 1796, held in the History of Science Collections.

About ouhos

Kristina Southwell, Head of Operations; Kerry Magruder, Curator; and JoAnn Palmeri, Librarian
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